Process Photos

We use a method of glassblowing referred to as Lampworking or Flameworking, in which a torch is used to melt borosilicate glass (also known as Pyrex or boro). 

Traditionally called lampworking, the art dates back to ancient Roman and Egyptian times when people would use an oil lamp to melt glass. It has since become modernized by using a torch commonly with oxygen and propane to create the flame. Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by blowing and shaping with tools, gravity and hand movements. After the piece is completed, it is placed in a kiln to anneal and then cool down. This process can take anywhere from a few hours to several days.

Dylan uses a variety of methods to encase the ashes depending on the style of piece he is making. If you would like to come watch your memorial be made or even assist in the process email us to discuss.